I just found the most emotional parrot in the world! See, when this guy is being reprimanded by his human, he just blows up and goes ballistic and cries as if he’s experiencing pain of the highest degree. I’ve actually never seen anyone as melodramatic as he was before!

I got a feeling, however, that this parrot only resorts to crying in order to make his human feel guilty about scolding him. I think he’s kinda spoiled or something. Honestly, I don’t 100% believe that he’s really feeling miserable.

Bro, stop. I think you’re just faking all this! Enough of your shenanigans. Crying is just some cleverly planned out trick of yours to get away with the petty crimes you’re doing. Am I, right??? You’re not really hurt, are you???

But, what’s really interesting about this guy is HOW COULD A PARROT LIKE HIM CRY LIKE AN OSCAR WINNING ACTOR! He’s showing a lot of promise. He’s definitely learned from the greats!
Video by YouTube/Rumble Viral