It is hard to say goodbye, isn’t it? But, at some point in our lives, we have to bid adieu to the people and the things we hold dear in our hearts. Such a painful process, but we all need to go through it.

One reddit user’s post has recently touched the souls of a lot of netizens. This guy shared on the site the very last picture he took with his pet cat named Andrew. The photo was taken during their final trip to the veterinarian, and something unexpected and utterly emotional happened along the way.

Andrew held his mom and dad’s hands for the very last time. This is honestly tearing my heart apart, you guys. The 15-year-old kitty was sort of telling them, “Things are gonna be okay, mom, dad. Please don’t worry about me. Till we meet again.”

“Little Andrew was my junior… He purred everyday of his life and when he lost that, I knew it was time… He held our hands on his last trip to the vet. Little Andrew was much stronger than his mom and I,†abernha3 captioned the photo.
Buh bye, Andrew.