Today, a man finds out who keeps stealing his socks. It turns out the thief has been with him, and has been super close to him all these times! Familiarity breeds contempt, eh?

His adorable pooch, it is! The stealthy creature is obsessed with the socks it would rather get them secretly than borrow them from its human properly. What addiction does to someone!

But, right here and right now, this dog’s happiness seems to be coming to a definite stop.
Pooch be like: “Is that a camera? Who gave you the permission to film me? I am a private dog doing very private things. Have some respect for my privacy, puh-lease. And, one more thing–you are wrong about what you’re thinking. I’m just sniffing your socks.”
You and your reasons, buddy. Peace!

Dog got nothing else to do now but go home and repent for its sins. Watch its human recover his socks from the dog’s humble abode on the video below!
Video by YouTube/Rumble Viral