Three playful monkeys were being filmed using a GoPro camera. When they finally saw the device, fun ensued. Their reaction was just too priceless for words!

“Buddies, look! Do you see that? Oh my freakin’ goodness, this looks really interesting.”

“Come on over here, you guys. I’m pretty sure you’ve never seen anything like this before, have you? It’s as if it’s aimed right at us. I don’t know. This puzzles me so much I’m about to lose my brain!”

“Dang. Stop. I know this! I can’t be wrong. This is some sort of camera I’m sure! Like, you do some cute poses in front it and it will automatically capture everything. Humans are going gaga over this thing right now. Ugh, can they be any more shallow?”

“Okay, fellas, let’s get in formation. We’re about to do something that’s one for the book!”
Hilarious video coming up. Go to the next page and laugh out loud!