There are many animal shelters around the world. People interested in becoming pet parents can walk in and take one home for free. This seems like a win-win situation – a pup in need of a home gets one, and a person gets to become a mommy or daddy to an adorable fur ball. But sadly, this doesn’t happen all the time.
Many shelters in Brazil are overcrowded. Pups are left in shelters by those who believe that they will receive better care there, but often times, shelters struggle to keep pups healthy and safe. Many fur balls may die from disease or depression while cooped up in shelters. Meanwhile, people choose to pay top dollar for pups in stores.

In order to raise awareness about this issue, a Brazilian rescue group called Quatro Patinhas – or “Four Paws†– organized this eye-opening event. The organization had a pet store loan them their displays for one day. Every single pup and kit in the display cases were shelter animals longing for a home.

Customers came in to take a look at the pets and many asked the prices of the adorable pups and cats. They were surprised when the answer was given to them – all the pets were free to take!
Take a look at this video!
At the end of the day, plenty of people took pups and kits into a new forever loving home, all because they decided to give them a chance. In reality, shelter pups and store-bought pups will love you just the same. Save a life – don’t buy one! Don’t forget to like and share!
Feature Image Source: Associação Quatro Patinhas