For most human beings, it is unfathomable to mistreat any living creature; much less, a sweet animal such as a dog. Not only is it 100% immoral and wrong, but it is also against the law. Of course, taking action that is immoral or against the law, doesn’t filter out everyone from doing it.
It is unfortunate, that many people also sneak away from these horrible crimes, scot-free; completely free of any repercussion to their vicious actions. Many crimes against animals, especially housepets, are hard to prove, and easy to get away with.

Dogs are not like children, who are seen by many people a day (schoolmates, teachers, outside family members), if their owners want to keep them hidden and out-of-sight. While any type of animal abuse is disgusting and inhumane, taking a healthy and beautiful dog, and tossing them in a trash really is sinking to a new kind of low.
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