Almost all canines who were rescued from these unspeakably sickening dog fighting arenas (For chrissake, why do they even have to exist?) know nothing but aggression, violence, and torture. They tend to be apathetic towards love as never in their lives has someone cared for them and looked after their welfare. So, it’s easy for anyone of us to think that these dogs can’t be gentle and kind.
But, wait till you hear the story of this gorgeous pit bull. This pooch had been saved from a dog fighting operation. Just like every other dog with this guy’s background, he initially acted cold and obnoxious.

One day, a lady took every ounce of courage in her to approach the intimidating pittie. The dog was in his safe kennel, and was looking incredibly sad and lonely. What happened a little while later, though, will surely break your heart into a million little pieces.

Touching video coming up! Get your Kleenex ready, okay?