Tweety is both easy and hard to please. Easy because all she wants is some petting. Hard because she doesn’t want it to end. No stopping. 24/7. All day, all night. Till the world ends.

Dad’s gentle touches give her so much peace and happiness. They’re a cure to her troubled soul. They heal her. So, each time the guy stops…

.. she kinda freaks out. She be like : “Wait… what?!?!?! That was it? That can’t be possible! I haven’t entered the gates of Nirvana just yet!”

Then, she squawks too loud her human is left with no choice but to pet her again.

“You only have one job, dad, and that is to pet me like you really care. So, make you sure you do it right. You only got one simple job, dad. Remember that.”
Tweety is quite a brat. Watch the video on the next page!