For me, there is nothing sweeter than seeing a human and an animal getting along so well. They are two different beings, but they break all these barriers and choose to love each other! It is one of those beautiful, totally cathartic situations that give me hope in this world full of hate and apathy.
You don’t have any idea how glad I was when I stumbled upon this video I’m itching to share with you. This involves a man and a baby bear (who looks so fluffy he’s giving me mini heart attacks). Look at them!

This baby bear is just the sweetest thing ever. He won’t stop playing with his new friend! He would give him endearing bites and heart-melting hugs.

Aww, that babe clearly wants some lovin’!
Watch the video below. You’re about to feel all the feels in the world. Get yourself ready.
Video By YouTube/The Dodo