Most religions have a god or a group of gods that have the power to create, and destroy. There exist more-or-less 4,200 religions in the world, that we are aware of. Whether you follow one of these 4,200 or not, we can all agree on the common thread that our pets are our angels.
Although, you may be one of the millions who have already viewed this video since it’s appearance on YouTube in September of 2009, there’s a great chance you may not know the true meaning behind the song.

Composer, Wendy Francisco, an artist from Northern Colorado, had struggled through many years of a difficult marriage, which ultimately ended in divorce. After questioning everything, she questioned herself in God, and also ended up emerging from the pain, in God.
The inspiration for the song came to her, when she was pulling out of her driveway, passing her white mountain dog, Caspian.
Listen to this song on the Next Page and keep your tissues ready