Last night, Topi promised himself to wake up early the next day. So, he set up an alarm on his phone and prepared his body–his entire existence–for the challenge he had to face head-on in the morning. However…

“I don’t wanna wake up just yet. Still got dreams to finish.”

“Sorry, but I have to make you shut up right now, buddy.”

“Promises are made to be broken, anyway, so… let me just… ugh, this bed feels so comfy.”

“Nope. You don’t stand a chance.”

There is no way Topi is gonna get rid of his bed anytime soon. Look at that!

“Sorry. Not ready yet.”

“That alarm is such a party pooper I’m starting to get really bothered.”

“No way, silly! Don’t you dare rain on my parade!”
Topi might just regret all this. Watch the video on the next page!