When you commit a mistake, the first thing that comes to mind is to say sorry to the aggrieved party. Like, you got no other choice but that! You think that if you just apologize in the most appropriate and sincere manner, it would be all over.
Not all people just settle for such thing, though.
A certain few would rather tread on the more difficult path and try their hardest to fix the mess they made. They would think of feasible ways to restore whatever had been broken along the process. Though things are already so destroyed they’re totally non-repairable, they would still insist on patching them all up.
Such is the case of this little girl.

She had too much fun playing with momma’s lipstick that she broke it. She probably cut it in two! OH. NO.

Her face was a picture of utter frustration. She knew mom would be mad if she found out about it! But, lucky for her, the older lady was still asleep.
Maybe she could still do something to lessen the gravity of what she just did!
Watch the video on the next page. This girl is the real deal!