You know what touches my heart the most? It’s when I see two different animals getting along so well, loving each other so dearly. It already seems pretty hard to care for someone of your own kind, how much more for someone who’s poles and poles apart. It takes a massive heart, really.

Well, two best friends are currently making myself the happiest person in the world. They’re a dog and a guinea pig. Like, what is this I don’t even! I bet nobody ever expected that these two guys are going to be BFFs?
Video by YouTube/Rumble Viral
You still alive there? You still breathing, mate? These two… ugh… the cutest thing ever! They look like they genuinely care for each other. They’re not, in anyway, pissed off by each other’s presence despite the fact that they’re two dissimilar species! Now, that’s dang cool.
Featured Image by YouTube/Rumble Viral