Kids say the darndest things, don’t they? While children are highly intelligent beings, their logic isn’t always, well…logical! It’s never a dull moment with children in the house! In this 6-minute video, sure to induce a chuckle or two, we meet the mother, named, Billie Joe, her adorable daughter, Breanna, and of course, Izzy, the cow.

Yes, you read that right; the cow. Billie Jo and the rest of her family rescued Izzy from a freezing swamp in Pennsylvania. As soon as Billie Jo was looking away, the sweet and gentle giant somehow managed to conveniently find her way onto the family’s enclosed porch.
In the video, Billie Jo attempts to get the truth out of Breanna, and is having trouble trying to understand just exactly how this situation played out.
Watch this hilarious video on the Next Page!